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Welcome to the specialty store with handmade products produced in our workshops in the EU.

Introduction » NO SPIN Throwers (9,5-10 in) » Shiny Steel Finish » ACEJET STINGER - Throwing knife - set of 3


ACEJET STINGER - Throwing knife - set of 3

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Availability: Ready to ship
Product no.: 7036
EAN code: 8594176637099
USD 249.00 (237.77 EUR)

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Variations of this product

Product no. / Goods name:
ACEJET Wooden Gift Box
ACEJET Wooden Gift Box
OUR PRICE USD 25.00 (23.87 EUR)
ACEJET STINGER SHADOW Steel - Throwing knife - set of 3
ACEJET STINGER SHADOW Steel - Throwing knife - set of 3
OUR PRICE USD 249.00 (237.77 EUR)
Manufacturer: AceJet
Material: 14260 Spring Steel
Thickness (in / mm): 0,31 / 8
Length (in / mm): 9,45 / 240
Width (in / mm): 1,3 / 33
Weight (oz / g): 8,8 / 252

Throwing knife AceJet STINGER - set of 3



Professional throwing knives approved by 5-time world champion in instinctive knife throwing and member of the international knife throwers hall of fame Adam Čeladin.


Because of the best quality material (14260 Spring Steel) and the large thickness of the knives, they are practically indestructible and can hit the target with tremendous force.

Technique / Style

Do you like a classic arrow shape? Than you definitely have to try Stinger, with a great surface and strong durable tip it’s the number one candidate for your next trip to a knife throwing tournament. With these you can be sure that you’re gonna score well.


Product is handmade in Bohemia.

This Knives set includes

  • set of 3 throwing knives wrapped in the Adam's typical scarf,
  • an ace of hearts, which is meant to place on the centre of the target to strike with the knife,
  • cerificate of authenticity.


  • They are handmade in Europe from European materials, no China, no pressure on the manufacturing cost. Our only parameter is TOP manufacturing quality. 
  • The products produced in our workshop are constantly consulted with Adam Čeladín - 5 time world champion and top guru, mentor and influencer in various disciplines of the trowing knives sports industry
  • Lifetime warranty - you buy these knives for life. They will not loose their value, they won´t break and that is why you won´t have to get a new one.
  • They are designed and manufactured as a professional competition knives.
  • Adam Čeladín recommends professional knives even to beginners, because they will make much faster progress with them.
  • The feeling of the grip, flight and the sound of knives hitting a target is just awesome and even starting throwers will fall in love with this sport faster than while using cheap chinese knives.


Usage: throwing in the wood

Do you like STINGER knife? you can choose more variants of this knife:

10inch Stinger made of D2 steel in

Viking Antique Style - set of 3

10inch Stinger out of D2 steel in

Viking Clear Style - set of 3

10inch Stinger out of D2 Steel in

Viking GOLD 24K - set of 3

11inch Stinger Breaker

out of spring steel - set of 3

10inch Stinger made of D2 steel in

Grizzly Antique Style - set of 3

10inch Stinger made of D2 steel in

Grizzly Clear Style - set of 3

10inch Stinger made of D2 steel in

Grizzly style with GOLD 24K - set of 3

Limited edition Stinger made of D2 steel with GOLD 24K - set of 3

Spring Steel STINGER - Best seller SET of 3


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